What to Put in Probabillity of Continued Employment

probability of continued employment response
probability of continued employment response

Employment verification forms contain several questions, many of which can leave you feeling as if you're making an educated guess as opposed to a definitive answer. A common question that crops up on these forms asks about the probability of the applicant's continued employment.

This question may feel impossible to answer without a crystal ball, but fortunately, there are steps you can take to ensure it's answered accurately. This will help your valuable employee get the loan or mortgage they want, and help you avoid making any mistakes that might prevent this from happening.

The question of "probability of continued employment" likely sounds a little strange. It may even seem as if you're being asked to prematurely announce that the applicant is going to be laid off. But this question is actually concerned with the applicant's ability to pay a lender.

Mortgage companies and other financial institutions need to know whether an applicant can repay a loan or mortgage. The question of continued employment is getting to the heart of that matter. If there's a chance the applicant will be laid off in the coming weeks or months, their ability to repay a loan or mortgage will be hindered. Ultimately, the lender wants to ensure the applicant will have a stable income for the foreseeable future.

It's worth noting that not every employment verification form will ask, "What is the probability of continued employment?" Many forms phrase the question differently, such as the below example:

probability of continued employment response

But how exactly do you answer this question?

When answering the question of continued employment, anything other than a solid, "yes," or "very likely," might alarm the applicant. Remember: The applicant's job performance isn't the focus of this question—the verifier is simply asking about whether the applicant will have a stable income months from now.

Because the question of continued employment is so important, it requires a thought-out, accurate response. Keep the following in mind to ensure you answer as accurately as possible:

So, when answering this question, reframe how you're approaching it. If the applicant is unlikely to be employed in the near future, you're helping them by answering honestly. Lying and saying the employee's job is secure could result in them getting a loan they can't repay.

Employment verification is typically straightforward, but there are occasionally questions that feel out of the blue. The following are some of the more common questions that you might not expect—but keep in mind that many states may have their own specific questions on employment verification forms.

Much like the question around continued employment, check with the employee's supervisor or manager if you have any questions about the above items. Their manager will have a more intimate knowledge of the employee's performance, likelihood of receiving bonuses, upcoming promotions, and other changes.

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  • Employment verification is quick and easy when you make the right preparations. Understanding how to answer "probability of continued employment," and the other difficult questions outlined, puts you ahead of the curve and ensures verification will be far easier from here on out.

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    probability of continued employment response

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    Members may download one copy of our sample forms and templates for your personal use within your organization. Please note that all such forms and policies should be reviewed by your legal counsel for compliance with applicable law, and should be modified to suit your organization's culture, industry, and practices. Neither members nor non-members may reproduce such samples in any other way (e.g., to republish in a book or use for a commercial purpose) without SHRM's permission. To request permission for specific items, click on the "reuse permissions" button on the page where you find the item.

    Verification of employment (VOE) requests on current or former employees can come to an employer from government agencies, mortgage lenders, prospective employers, collection agents and others. They usually seek to verify employment dates, wages, likelihood of continued employment or eligibility for rehire and reason for termination. When must employers respond to such requests, and what information must or should they divulge?

    Certainly, only truthful, supportable information should be shared, regardless to whom it is given. States have job reference immunity laws that can cover VOE requests, and if truthful information is given in good faith, the employer will likely be protected from defamation claims. Additionally, a signed consent from the employee should be obtained when possible, with some state immunity laws requiring consent to be protected.

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  • Though not always clear cut, requests from federal and state government agencies and offices often require compliance, whereas most other requests do not. A request from a government agency often cites a regulation requiring the information; if not, employers can generally feel confident about sharing the information asked for, as a good faith effort to comply. These requests are often to verify wages for court decisions (such as child support) or government programs, to uncover fraudulent use of government services, or even to help an employee prove his or her identity was stolen. These requests are usually very specific in terms of the information needed, and again, any truthful information provided should not subject the employer to legal claims.

    Employers are not required by law to complete VOEs from mortgage lenders, but few employers would choose to disadvantage their employees by ignoring the request. Employers may require written consent from employees before providing information to mortgage lenders and perhaps have a policy that employees must notify HR of upcoming requests. In general, though, employers complete these with truthful responses regarding the current employment situation without guaranteeing continued employment or defaming the employee.

    Prospective employers may ask any number of questions, from final wage rates to job performance information. Each employer needs to determine if it will require a signed release for this information, and what type of information it will share. Employers in some states may be restricted from sharing salary history. Certain industries and positions, such as health care and those working with children, may have additional state requirements to share information that may stop a negligent hire.

    Collections agencies and anyone else seeking information from employers generally do not need to be responded to, and before sharing information with them, employers may wish to seek legal counsel on a recommended policy on handling these that will best protect the employer.

    Members may download one copy of our sample forms and templates for your personal use within your organization. Please note that all such forms and policies should be reviewed by your legal counsel for compliance with applicable law, and should be modified to suit your organization's culture, industry, and practices. Neither members nor non-members may reproduce such samples in any other way (e.g., to republish in a book or use for a commercial purpose) without SHRM's permission. To request permission for specific items, click on the "reuse permissions" button on the page where you find the item.

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    Table of Contents

    When answering the question of continued employment, anything other than a solid, "yes," or "very likely," might alarm the applicant. Remember: The applicant's job performance isn't the focus of this question—the verifier is simply asking about whether the applicant will have a stable income months from now.

    Date of Employment means the date on which a person began to perform services directly for the Employer as a result of an Acquisition or becoming an employee.

    probability of continued employment response

    Dear [name], I am writing in reference to the verification of [ex-employee name]. I confirm that [Ex employee name] was working in our Company, [Company name] from [period worked] on the position of [state post]. You may contact me on [no/ here] for any further inquiries regarding this person.

    What should be included in employment verification letters?

    Do employers always check references? Essentially, yes. While it's true that not 100% of Human Resources (HR) departments will call your references during pre-employment screening, many do. If you're about to begin a job search, you should expect to have your references checked.

    It could be a fake. The fake reference could have been prepared to put on the landlord act if you call saying you need a landlord reference, but you could throw them off guard if you pretend to be calling as a renter.

    It is not illegal to lie on a rental application unless your signatures under penalty of perjury. It may, however, serve as the basis for an eviction.

    Contact your landlord or property management company. Ask if they are willing and able to report your rental payment history directly to Experian RentBureau. If they agree, your lease will appear in the "accounts" section of your Experian report as one of your tradelines.

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  • Your landlord may call any person you list on your rental application to get background information and a character reference. Your landlord cannot give out your personal information to the reference but he may discuss your relationship and past history.

    In California, one of the pieces of information the landlord can ask for is your bank balance. You can, however, refuse to hand over confidential information.

    A landlord may "bad mouth" as long as it's just his or her opinion–e.g. that you're a bad tenant, that you're rude, that you're unpleasant, etc. Everyone is legally entitled to an opinion, no matter how negative.

    The ban covers assured shorthold tenants, student lettings and lodgers living with a private landlord. You can't be charged for things like: references.

    The question of "probability of continued employment" likely sounds a little strange. It may even seem as if you're being asked to prematurely announce that the applicant is going to be laid off. But this question is actually concerned with the applicant's ability to pay a lender. Mortgage companies and other financial institutions need to know whether an applicant can repay a loan or mortgage. If there's a chance the applicant will be laid off in the coming weeks or months, their ability to repay a loan or mortgage will be hindered.

    Ultimately, the lender wants to ensure the applicant will have a stable income for the foreseeable future.

    Many forms phrase the question differently, such as the below example: But how exactly do you answer this question? See full list on truework. When answering the question of continued employment, anything other than a soli "yes," or "very likely," might alarm the applicant. Remember: The applicant's job performance isn't the focus of this question—the verifier is simply asking about whether the applicant will have a stable income months from now.

    probability of continued employment response

    Because the question of continued employment is so important, it requires a thought-out, accurate response. Keep the following in mind to ensure you answer as accurately as possible: 1. Loop in the employee's manager when necessary. The manager will have a better idea of the employee's performance and job stability.

    Even if there's a chance the employee sees your answer, you need to answer honestly. The last thing you want is to lie and help the applicant get a loan that will bankrupt them down the road. When in doubt, contact the employee's immediate superior.

    In the event the employee may be let go in the near future, the question of continued employment becom. Employment verification is typically straightforwar but there are occasionally questions that feel out of the blue. The following are some of the more common questions that you might not expect—but keep in mind that many states may have their own specific questions on employment verification forms.

    If overtime or a bonus is applicable, is its continuance likely? This question may not be a deal-breaker for a loan, as long as the bonuses or overtime aren't making up the majority of the employee's income. If you and the employee's manager can't confidently answer "yes," mark it "no. Do you anticipate any changes in hours? If the employee is salaried and receives no overtime, this is an easy "no.

    Otherwise, consult with the department head or manager of the employee to come to an educated answer. Are there any anticipated changes in the applicant's pay in the coming months? This question likely requires input from the employee's manager, as they'll be able to advise you whe.

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  • Understanding how to answer "probability of continued employment," and the other difficult questions outline puts you ahead of the curve and ensures verification will be far easier from here on out. Why a Employment Verification is Needed Prior history of work is a good indicator of future work performance. An Employment Verification search validates salary claims, tenure, and title.

    Employment – verification requests arise during a number of scenarios, from lenders seeking verification of income information to new employers confirming a potential recruit's past work history. Employers aren't obligated to respond to calls to verify an individual's employment for a third party unless the requests are made by federal. How do you respond to employment verification? What do you need to know about letter of employment? Make sure to provide your signature at the bottom to ensure authenticity.

    What is a prospective new employer request? Another option HR teams are exploring is employment letter automation. While each state child support agency sends its own verification of employment (VOE) form, employers may respond using this standard VOE form, if the state child support agency accepts the form. This standardized response form provides greater efficiency for employers. Follow Source(s): For Credit and finance solutions I visit this website where you can find all the solutions.

    It's important to ensure that prospective employees have given you accurate information. Our expectation is that under current conditions, this employee will continue to work indefinitely, however I also want to answer in such a way that protects the company and at the same time, does not harm the employees chance to secure a home mortgage, which is the reason I am filing out the. High Quality Fill-In Employment Forms. Step-By-Step Builder. Trusted By Employers – Fill Out Forms Accurately, No Technical Skills Needed – Try Free!

    How to answer the "probability of continued employment" question. Starting a New Job From home addresses to financial records, HR teams are constantly handling and processing sensitive employee information. Understanding how to answer " probability of continued employment ," and the other difficult questions outline puts you ahead of the curve and ensures verification will be far easier from here on out. Employment Verification : response to an inquiry by a prospective employer, a government agency, or an outside entity, such as a lending institution, that the current or former employee is or was employed by the University.

    Acces PDF Answer Probability Of Continued Employment Answer Probability Of Continued Employment When somebody should go to the books stores, search inauguration by shop, shelf by shelf, it is in point of fact problematic. This is why we provide the book compilations in this website. Be sure to include dates of employment in your verification request. False dates of employment are a red flag that may point to an issue your applicant is trying to hide. Request the specific hire and departure dates from former employers and compare them carefully to the applicant's submission.

    Before sharing information regarding employment verifications make sure to follow your Company policy. If you don't have a policy protecting your employment verification process you may want to contact HR On-Call. Being consistent and providing verifiable information is critical. A request may be received from.

    The current employment verification system is an inherently subjective and ultimately insecure process, as sophisticated fraudulent documents are easily acquire allowing an unauthorized worker.

    Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.


    Wiki User

    High, very likely

    Wiki User

    Employers can refuse requests, not subpoenas.

    probability of continued employment response

    Verification from your previous employer(s) – which, in this
    case, would be an over-the-road trucking company – that you've
    worked for them. Usually, the request for employment verification
    is sent along with a request about any accidents or incidents the
    driver had, verification that they were drug tested, etc.

    If you are in need of verifying an applicant's employment, you
    should send a letter to their current or former employer. The
    letter should request information you need to complete the
    applicant's file, such as dates of employment and job title.

    A request for employment is a job application.

    A request for a signature verification can be done in a letter.
    Ask the person to verify they did or did not sign the document in
    question and state the date of signature.

    An employment certificate or work letter displays basic
    information about an individual's employment. A sample request
    letter will detail how to request official proof as a permanent


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  • There are various sources to find a sample of request letter for
    employment certificate. This is a formal letter which should
    include all your personal details in requesting for the employment

    A letter for certification of employment will need to be simple
    and to the point. All you need to include in this letter is a
    request for the proper documentation.

    Dear Sir / Madam:Good Day!May I request your good office a Certificate of Employment which I will be needed for Pag-ibig Housing Loan.Please consider my request as soon as possible.Thank you very much.Regards,

    You should return to court immediately and request a modification that reflects your new employment status.You should return to court immediately and request a modification that reflects your new employment status.You should return to court immediately and request a modification that reflects your new employment status.You should return to court immediately and request a modification that reflects your new employment status.


    You will need to request the verification email and then follow
    the instructions contained in it.

    Why a Employment Verification is Needed
    Prior history of work is a good indicator of future work
    performance. An Employment Verification search validates salary
    claims, tenure, and title. Eligibility for rehire and reasons for
    leaving are also confirmed. Areas that may pose future problems may
    be revealed. An Employment Verification also helps reveal if a
    person has the needed experience in order to succeed on the job. It
    also given past employers the opportunity to share their
    experiences with the applicant as an employee
    Due to the frequency of fraudulent and exaggerated employment
    claims, this particular search is a good source of an applicant's
    honesty. There are times when past employers provide minimal
    information, but the verifications are and necessary and vital
    elements in creating a defense when negligent hiring claims
    What Occurs During a Work History Verification?
    Past employers are contacted usually through a phone call, in
    order to confirm an applicants' salary claims, tenure, and job
    title. Reasons the applicant left employment and possibilities for
    rehire are asked. In addition, possible problems areas that a
    prospective employer may want to be made aware of are also inquired
    about. Written confirmations, which include times of employment
    from previous employers of the applicant, may be used instead of
    this. An applicant should be required to supply information about
    positions held, and sign relevant release of information forms. If
    a past employer fails to provide required information, or an
    applicant fails to sign release forms a prospective employer has
    the right to refuse employment.
    Sources for Employment Verifications
    Most employers confirm past employment through their Payroll or
    Human Resources Departments. There are some that work with
    third-party verification actual employer.
    How Far Back Does a Employment History Verification Go?
    On average, background checks on past employment go back 7 years
    (longer periods are used also). The duration of time covered in a
    verification of past employment report may vary depending on how
    the employer maintains its records, and how long the applicant
    worked for the employer.
    Do Employment Verifications Take Long?
    On average, employment verifications are returned within 1 to 3
    business days. Although, due to these searches relying on the
    information of a previous employer, they may occasionally take
    longer. Some past employers respond slowly or are difficult to
    locate. Sometimes request must be mailed.
    Benefits of Getting a Employment History Verification Check
    Prospective employers who practice using employment screening
    through employment verification can avoid some of the
    •Workplace violence
    •Sexual harassment
    •Workman's compensation fraud
    •Computer misuse
    •Resume fraud
    •Unqualified workers

    If you need an employment certificate, you can write a letter
    and request one. You will need to include information to identify
    you and contact information in case they need additional

    A how-to letter for police verification should include the date,
    the beneficiary's name and address. A sample letter should also
    include a request of what is needed with an explanation of why it
    is necessary.

    Income verification usually comes from the employer. One would
    need to request through the employer for this information. If one
    is self-employed, this would come from records.

    If you send a letter requesting employment certification, you
    need to state the reason and where the person can send the
    certificate to.

    I am not sure if employers can refuse to verify employment but
    they are not at liberty to discuss your job performance.
    Depending on the laws of your state The potential employer can
    ask the previous employer 5 things 1.The date that you were hired.
    2.the position you were hired for. 3. the starting pay for that
    position 4. the date that your employment stopped. 5. if they would
    consider hiring you again for that position.
    (to which they can say yes or NO!)
    Any employer can also refuse to verify the employment of a
    former or current employee, unless the verification is being
    requested by State,Federal or local government agencies such
    welfare,social security,IRS,Police,court system ect.. Employers can
    also refuse to verify your previous or current employment over the
    telephone and ask that the person or agency seeking verification
    submit a written request for the information..

    When applying for a new job, it's necessary for applicants to
    disclose who they have worked for in the past. Verifying this is an
    important legal issue. Applicants must present an employment
    verification letter. This letter must adhere to certain standards.
    It must:
    – Be an official document
    – Be printed by a company on its letterhead
    – State that the applicant worked for the company
    – The employment letter must be printed in the name of the
    A verification employment letter is much like a reference letter
    in that it verifies the employee has worked where he or she has
    claimed. It allows the hiring company to see that, for a fact, the
    person was legally employed by the company that the applicant
    claims to have worked for.
    This letter is used by hiring companies as a way to tell if the
    applicant for the job is telling the truth. If the applicant lies
    about past employment, it can mean obtaining a job for which he or
    she isn't qualified. To prevent hiring unqualified employees, it's
    necessary for the hiring company to see proof of where the person
    worked, best accomplished by seeing it on official document from
    the company. This helps the hiring company to know that what
    they're being told they're getting, they're actually getting when
    the person is hired.
    It's great insurance for hiring companies because they can make
    sure they're hiring a qualified individual with references as well,
    stating that they're right for the job.
    The letter should be short. It shouldn't include needless
    information or flowery language, simply straightforward information
    about where the employee worked, when, and how long. That's it.
    There doesn't need to be any mention of what kind of job. The
    intent is simply to verify that the person worked for that
    particular organization.
    When these rules are followed, it will be easy for the applicant
    to be truthful and to the point about past work experience and make
    a good impression on potential employers. Honesty is extremely
    important during the hiring process and the verification letter
    shows that the applicant is ready to be honest with a potential
    employer about their past career. It shows a good knowledge of the
    legal content of the verification letter and a general
    understanding of the seriousness and importance of the job that's
    being applied for.
    The verification letter is proof of past employment and is

    For the term of their employment.

    You would have to call your previous employers to receive that.
    I do not think that anyone has a complete list of everyone's work
    employment history.

    i would like to request an extension of my employment contract
    which expires on 8th September 2012 what should i state in the

    Call your employment security office and request a copy of

    Email [email protected] with a request to delete your
    account, and be sure to include the email address registered to
    your account and the account password for verification.

    probability of continued employment response
    probability of continued employment response


    Source: https://answers.winsingal.com/probability-of-continued-employment-response/

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